Saturday, July 2, 2011

Comic 919: Infotainment Sheeple

[Your hometown and mine "Ann Apolis" sent me this "guest review." He specifically wanted to write a review for this one. Imagine my surprise that it is so utterly awful. -Ed.]

[Comic title: Tween Bromance; alt text: "Verbiage. Va-jay-jay. Irregardless."]

The alt-text continues:

Defriend. Procrastineat. Interblag. Vlog. Grok. Roflcopter. Screamo. Murder. Vajazzling. Staycation. Tweeting. Chillax. Syringe. Flashmob. Lifehack. Bleach. Sexting. Noose. Crimson. Spattering. Tanorexia. Manbag. Gasoline. Wiki. Death. Gleek. Death. Death. Death. Death. Death. Death. Death.


Anyway, this is Rob again with some actual goddamn thoughts, but first, remember Ryan Learn? That was the best comment thread we've ever had. He was truly a man for our times.

Anyway, this is the joke of this comic:
RANDY: [lists some annoying words]
MEGAN: omg stop those words are annoying

That's it! No clever wordplay, nothing else. I think it's probably meant to "troll" in about the least nuanced way possible.

I read probably in some comment thread or other that he basically just stole from a thread on the forums about annoying words. And then it appears that he has stopped linking to the forums from his front page! Is this a "fuck you" to the forodes? Probably not! But hopefully.

On an unrelated note, blogger is starting to do strange things.


  1. On an unrelated note, blogger is starting to do strange things.

    Like rise from the grave and feast on the flesh of the living?

    Please say yes

  2. most notably, it is randomly inserting the following URL into the middle of posts:

    just the URL. it appeared a few times in the previous post, and it was in this one before I excised it. it seems to like doing it in the middle of a paste, which seems especially odd.

  3. Saying this revalation, call Delia station
    An initiation, all you'd better beware
    Who'll cast the first stone?
    Skin to the bone, bring it all on home, bring it on for Jerome
    So, new castle, build a brand new castle, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Straight to the man

    On an island of traders, you know they're tryin' to fade ya
    No-one can train you, no-one evade you, no-one can fade you
    Saying "Don't be late, no, the train won't wait"
    Saying "Don't be late, no, the boat can't wait"
    Saying "Don't be late, no, the train nor
    the boat or the train can't wait, yeah"

    Do the do, do the do, do the do do
    Do the do, do the do do do
    Do the do, do the do do do do do do do do
    the, heading straight for the man
    Oh, you know they'll never evade you

    So now I stand here, love cuts down a revolver
    Am stern damn in Sodom and Gomorrah
    So I'm singing to King Stone, your teaching it's on
    They say it's a fable, though I was made able
    I slipped through the net, wanna bet it's a ramble, a sandstorm
    One slip you don't ever forget, who could ever forget?
    You know I never forget
    Straight to the man
    Oh, you know they're trying to fade you

    Saw this revalation, call Delia station
    I don't need no powder, one kinder, easy blind ya
    Yeah the eyes of Grande Bretagne owes a debt
    Say the eyes of Grande Bretagne
    All the eyes of Grande Bretagne all the eyes of
    Grande Bretagne owes a debt
    Yeah the eyes of Grande Bretagne all eyes of
    Grande Bretagne owes us a debt

  4. get out of my head Rob I remember Ryan Learn

  5. Get out of Ryan Learn, Rob.

  6. also can i just say how proud i am at having written something that makes Rob go 'ok fuck that here is a proper review'

  7. "Anyway, this is the joke of this comic:
    RANDY: [lists some annoying words]
    MEGAN: omg stop those words are annoying

    Well, no, he incorporates the annoying words into a coherent but humorously incongruous sentence, that's really the main point of the comic (Randy's comics often are constructed to have one bit of vaguely clever wordplay with a lot of fluff around them that's basically "setup" and "reaction", kind of like the "I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym" in 917). I'm not saying I found this comic particularly funny, but it was, y'know, competent. If he just did what you said it would be irritatingly stupid.

  8. Calling tripe like this "vaguely clever wordplay" is an insult to people who were actually clever at wordplay, most notably Mitch Hedberg and George Carlin.

  9. calling that sentence coherent is an insult to people who speak a language

  10. Once again, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal takes a premise (in this case, misuse of words) and crafts a series of punchlines that are all better than xkcd's and with more effort in a shorter amount of time.

  11. That anon who keeps writing annoying limericksJuly 3, 2011 at 12:10 PM

    @10:50: Pick your discipline of choice. Find the top 5 universities in your country which provide undergraduate preparation in that discipline. Get the list of last year's undergraduates who earnt a 1st class degree / summa cum laude / whatever. Get a copy of their final year projects. Read them.

    You're quite likely to find something "vaguely clever".

    Even being vaguely clever requires talent and hard work.

    Randall supplies neither.

    Your standards are too low. Up them before the real world tells you to up yours.

  12. @Rob-

    It's supposed to insert the image (basically the URL with image tags around it) as a deterrent to errant copy-pasters. Unfortunately the hebrew gentlemen running blogspot, attempting to save on typesetting costs, spared the tags resulting in the abomination you see before you.

  13. I've been gone for a couple dozen reviews. What is this "forodes" thing? Did that arise from one of the comment threads?

  14. GOOMH, Randall, I lack the social grace to acclimatize to a fluid and changing modern culture so instead I pretend I'm better than it and look down on people who adapt, thrive, and enjoy their lives, too!

  15. The "b" key of my keyboard is broken. When I tried to enter to have access to my third favorite nerdy comic hateblog, I entered and stumbled upon this. I now fully understand what is going on: this blog is financed by a religious group which hates science, geekism and the freedom of thoughts that xkcd brings to the world.

  16. Unrepentant pessimistJuly 3, 2011 at 3:23 PM

    I think Randall's popularity cancels out all science's achievements. On the one hand, we have the Internet and accessible medical care (unless you live in the US). On the other, every minute of my life I know there are people admiring xkcd.

    FWIW, give it 2-3 decades and we'll have some sort of quasi-theocracy anyway.

  17. @Rochambeau

    Pff, that site looks like it was made in the '90s. So Web 1.0.

    Oh yeah, and the content is shit.

  18. The content may be shit for that particular site, but it can be said without exception that everything "Web 2.0" is worthless. The transition from "Web 1.0" marked the point that the Internet became nothing more than a cheap entertainment substitute for TV.

  19. @Ves 'Calling tripe like this "vaguely clever wordplay" is an insult to people who were actually clever at wordplay, most notably Mitch Hedberg and George Carlin.'

    @That anon who keeps writing annoying limericks 'Your standards are too low. Up them before the real world tells you to up yours.'

    I'd say both your standards are too high, if we judged "cleverness" in the wordplay of gag cartoons by comparison to the entirety of an undergraduate thesis or the wordplay of great comedians like George Carlin, I think they'd all be failures, even the best ones like Calvin and Hobbes or the Far Side (or if we're just talking webcomics, let's say Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal). And when I said "vaguely clever wordplay" I was talking more about the earlier "I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym", less about the current one which I just called "competent" (again by the standard of gag cartoons).

  20. If those standards are too high, let's compare xkcd to all the BowserxPeach romance fanfiction on XKCD still loses.

  21. A lonely goatherdJuly 3, 2011 at 4:30 PM

    @3:43: I'd say Calvin and Hobbes was the product of both talent and hard work. While the average C&H strip was not groundbreaking, Watterson's work taken as a whole was more than just vaguely clever.

    Take C&H's final strip. A cynical cunt (hey, ALTF, your trigger word!) such as myself would see its message in isolation as trite and almost religious in its glorification of an ultimately shitty world. But, coming from Calvin, it meant much more - or, perhaps, much less - and his attitude became touching.

    C&H builds on itself and ends up greater than the sum of its parts. xkcd doesn't have this. It's a proto-comic. It's a deformed, disconnected stillborn, vaguely resembling some species but holding no true form. Just because the occasional strip has something resembling a fingernail or an eyelash doesn't mean we have something as beautifully evolved as a hand or an eye.

    (We do not mock the nonsentient stillborn because we feel for its distressed mother, but Randall does not grieve over his unworthy issue. His solution to failure is to fail more.)

    tl;dr A single strip is rarely a masterpiece but a series can certainly form one. Watterson's cool and Munroe's an idiot. What's new?

  22. Holy SHIT guys. I just read the last couple news posts of his and stumbled upon some shocking and disturbing news. Not only is he engaged, but it's to the WRONG girl!

    Who is this Ellen person? Is she real? If she were a fake concocted by Randy so he can feel good about himself, then why would he not fantasize it's his beloved Megan? Is this odd choice of name simply to throw us off the trail? If she is, in fact, real, then is she aware Randy is a creepy-ass motherfucker?

    What's most puzzling, however, is how someone like Randy, a known basement dweller, ever ventured even UPSTAIRS- let alone outside- long enough to meet a girl and that she didn't run away screaming in horror immediately afterward.

  23. Ellen is his fiance? As in Ellen McManis, the nuclear reactor operator at Reed College? Well I guess that could explain the cancer.

  24. God damn, I ignore xkcd for a few weeks, and not only does it spend that time telling the tale of a man slowly going mad, but xkcdsucks empties out?

    Anyway, in light of the new comic, I'd like to think Randy and Ellen invite the neighbors over to browse videos of cats, children, and fat angry atheists shouting about republicans, as well as the occasional let's play. Otherwise, I am pretty sure nobody in the world does this.

    Captcha: inest. just, inest.

  25. Raven is an awful piece of flesh and Raven's review is an awful piece of writing.

  26. Who the hell has ever had a Youtube party, Randall? Once again you are making observational humor for things nobody else in the world can relate to.

  27. Next on xkcd:
    The problem with popcorn reassembly
    The problem with using your tongue to pick up coins
    The problem with farting through keyholes
    The problem with dancing inside an active oven
    The problem with using aluminum foil for underwear
    The problem with growing tomatoes in the kitchen sinkhole
    The problem with

  28. Now, I wouldn't accuse Randy of stealing a joke from Reddit, but it wouldn't be the first time it happened.

  29. Would it be the first time it didn't happen?

  30. OMW to post that the real problem with YouTube parties is that there's no such thing as a YouTube party, I discovered that Anon 11:08 had beaten me to it. Curse you, Anon 11:08. Curse you. Also, Captcha, what is a bjorker?

  31. the problem with reddit parties is you're constantly coming up with new jokes

  32. Rob is giving up on the blog, he has already hit the "reminiscing about previous battles" stage. Next he is going to be a fat old king who gets drugged by his squire and impaled by a boar.

  33. randall's definition of a party is some people sitting around a table next to a laptop. there is a single bottle of beer

  34. Already been said but needs to be reiterated.

    What the flaming heck is a youtube party?

  35. guys can i ask why none of you like xkcd? i think its a very clever comic and i think its hilarious my lecturer always shows slides of the comic during lectures and if you dont get the jokes then you shouldnt spend your time writing on a website that its not funny when really its the funniest site on the internet

  36. @ Anon 4:11


  37. Anyone here read Mark Prindle?

  38. If you're sending out facebook invitations for a youtube party, then ok, you're probably a major loser. But it happens that you have a dinner party and around desert, someone opens the laptop to show a video and then everybody wants to show his own video. Then I guess this could qualify as a youtube party. If you never did that, then either you don't have friends or you don't have a laptop, or you hide your laptop when you invite your friends over, or you're so cool that you cannot imagine a party not taking place in an abandoned factory with refined house music, various drugs and multiple sexual encounters. But then, what the hell are you doing on xkcdsucks???

  39. Sure, at uni in the dorm we might just be sittin around and watch a few funny videos on youtube to kill some time for a bit. Or if I'm at home, my brother may come into my room and ask me to watch this video he's found. But a youtube party? What is that? Where people plan an event where they meet to sit and watch youtube videos? Isn't that just really lame? We all knew Randall was a loser, but this is just another confirmation of that. A party usually involves more than 5 people, a lot of drink, music, and general hi-jinks and fun stuff. Not sitting at a table with a laptop.

  40. Also notable: There's only one chick, therefor this is not a party by any reasonable [social] definition of the word.

  41. Today's comic copied almost verbatim from:

    see also:

  42. The lawn you keep walking overJuly 4, 2011 at 6:48 AM

    Sure is college dorm in here.

    (1) Yes, a Youtube party is the height of faggotry;

    (2) But drinking until you pass out because you lack the courage to do anything while remotely sober is also pretty lame;

    (3) Casual sex definitely has more staying power but HURRR I FUCKED LOTS OF RANDOM SLUTTY CHICKS is really code for I HAVE HERPES AND AT LEAST ONE OTHER UNPLEASANT STI. Work hard, get a well-paying job and learn how to speak and dress - you'll find that dipping your dick into as many buckets as possible is both easy and unrewarding.

    Quantity, not quality, boys. We're up to 919 but there was zero value beyond 3-400.

  43. I am off to the great US of A in a few hours. It seems I must attend a four-day seminar on “Weapons Handling and Conflict Avoidance” as a pre-condition of our NGO funding. BP is exempt – he already knows how to weaponise conflicts and avoid handling. It is now understood that, it seems, I must carry a sidearm and wear body-armour while ‘in the field’. This is a first for me. Apparently I get to choose which sidearm I like. I was thinking of requisitioning a Colt .45 Model 1873 Single Action Revolver and a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum Revolver. I want Pearl handles though – only a true homo would use ivory ones.

  44. I personally felt that the strip wasn't so much about the words themselves, but the way some people mash them together incoherently, the sentence in the comic being an exaggeration of it (or maybe not an exaggeration given the internet...)

    Still not particularly good (still boils down to "Here's something I don't like and someone reacting negatively to it!") but I think the analysis here is slightly off.

  45. Dear The lawn you keep walking over,

    To whom are points 2 and 3 directed? It seems your fatherly advice addresses comments that haven't been made.


  46. My cousin is now permanently banned from entering Turkey. Jesus Christ, I told him, how the fuck'd you accomplish that, bro? He just shrugged.

  47. Here's what's been bugging me the most about xkcd lately (aside from its usual shittiness): whenever Randy tries to show two characters just plainly talking to each other, one of them is almost always facing the other direction on a laptop. And they don't even turn around a lot of the time. Who are these people and why don't they want to make eye contact while carrying on a conversation?

  48. Eye contact is for neurotypical plebs.

  49. Dearest Anonymous @ 7:45 AM,

    Your cousin should refrain from quoting lines from Raul Julia film "El beso de la mujer araña" to Passport Control Officers - especially in Turkey.

  50. Autistic/Aspergers pride isn't that weird of a concept, really. Just because someone has a disability doesn't mean they should be a wallowing pile of self-hatred. What's weird is people who get angry when you call it a disability and insist that they're better than normal people and the only reason it gets labeled as a disability is that normal people don't understaaaaaaaaand how their brains work. It'd be bad enough if they just refused to acknowledge that yes, being unable to read social cues is a problem (it's society's fault for inventing them, obviously), but some of them go farther than that. They assume that everyone with autism is some kind of super-genius and that they're better than normal humans. For a disorder that tends to make one obsessive and nit-picky over minor things you'd think they would be offended by the popular idea that everyone with autism is the Rainman, but no, they embrace it. It'd be like if blind people insisted that everyone who was blind was Daredevil, and that it's sighted people who suck for not having super-cool radar powers and ninja skills. It's baffling.

  51. Randall is acknowledging when he makes the same comic as someone else now? Is he trying to imply that he hasn't done this a gazillion times before?

  52. White Able-bodied Saxon ProtestantJuly 4, 2011 at 9:26 AM

    @9:00: Indeed. Although I've noticed a shift to the "well SOME people with autism are brilliant" line from a lot of self-diagnosed e-aspies.

    To which I say: so what? SOME quadriplegics are brilliant, but that doesn't mean we celebrate quadriplegia itself. It's not insane to learn from someone who has achieved cool stuff DESPITE their disability, but that's as far as it goes. Autism doesn't make you cleverer, and there's no unique brilliance which requires you to be autistic.

    Furthermore, geeky antisocial singleminded absentmindedness may help you channel your efforts into a particular complex task but is absolutely not autism. Nor is being clumsy autism. Autism is, vaguely, the inability to perform certain social tasks subconsciously. It doesn't mean you lack the means entirely: it means that the tasks are challenging. In the worst cases, they're so challenging that trying to live independently is too dangerous (e.g. being overwhelmed in a crowded street and getting run over). This is simply not the problem most geeks have.

    Finally and most importantly: being a dick, blaming others and making a long-winded bullshit justification about something you find difficult are not consequences of autism. These are the worst traits of e-aspies because they make things much harder for the real austistics: I'm not one, but my experience with those with severe autism is that it's a horribly disabling disorder and barely makes you able to communicate, let alone be a jackass.

  53. Does anyone here want to come to my Youtube party? Please leave your RSVP in the comments.


  54. Dearest White Able-bodied Saxon Protestant,

    Did you know the tradition Saxon Family unit comprised: The wife, the children, the husband and an unrelated little boy, often autistic, for the husband's non-procreative pleasure?
    I know! It shocked me too!

    Dearest Scott,
    I would love to attend, but I have to worm the dog and wash my hair.

  55. "Please leave your RSVP"?

    Clearly you are not a person of the caliber that I expect to host my Youtube parties.

  56. Unfortunately, neither Randy's nor Doghousecomics' iteration of this joke is funny.

  57. Knight of the round-eye tableJuly 4, 2011 at 11:04 AM

    @ALTF Eat the dog, surely?

  58. Misto Bradish's NiggerJuly 4, 2011 at 11:23 AM

    Randall makes me want to sell a compendium of all xkcd comics without his permission, donating all the proceeds (as I shall declare in the Preface) to Answers in Genesis.

    PPD: Because his followers are cuddlesheeple.


  59. FYI for the next one, Randall actually admitted to "parallel inspiration":

  60. Bing bang digga rigga dongJuly 4, 2011 at 11:29 AM

    This is like the "parallel inspiration" that Leibniz had shortly after visiting Newton and coincidentally passing by the drawer which had all his draft papers on the method of fluxions. But he swore he neeeeever saw them.

  61. My RA in college threw a "YouTube Party" at his dorm. We ate pizza and drank rootbeer, and it was generally fun. So yeah, at least some people do this.

  62. latest xkcd was not of a hilarious nature

  63. Since when acknowledging someone else already did the same joke suddenly became okay?

    I don't think it's okay.

  64. @11:29: That comparison is an insult to Leibniz. Whether or not Leibniz saw Newton's notes, he did something better than Newton: his notation kicked Newton's notation's ass. He understood that suggestive notation is useful and strongly affects the way people think about the material. That is indisputable truth, and Leibniz deserves credit for that at a minimum.

    Randall's comic makes no improvement on the previous version.


  65. You all suck. None of you showed up to my Youtube party. It was just me and Randall alone on the couch, our waists down covered by a blanket....

  66. @Scott

    you faggot

  67. Scott at 4:35 aptly demonstrates what 4:30's "suggestive notation" is.

  68. The text of 919 suffers from the same problem as 550; Randall tries to cram too many memes/obnoxious words into one sentence and while the result may be vaguely grammatical it doesn't make a lick of sense. Also, there is a pregnancy joke.

  69. @Dicksmoker

    Your post sucks. Like the tolling of some great bell.

  70. @9:20 - Probably not enough people were sucking his dick in the forums, so he wanted to appeal for more. Did you look at the comments on that blog post?

  71. I hadn't seen Ryan Learn's bold step forward into the ring of rational debate before. Thanks for sharing, Rob. It was a pleasure to see his wanton idiocy so roundly rebuked. If such events were a daily occurrence, XKCDsucks would rock.

    As it is, all the poetry will have to do. On an unrelated note, ants totally kick ass.

  72. @Glyphwright: More like the TROLLING of some great bell, amirite?

  73. I've had one gathering that degenerated to a "Youtube Party". The queer community at my university were great to have someone to talk to in my first semester of university, but once I had made friends based on interests instead of a convergent sexuality the "gay friends" were terrible and I gradually drifted apart from that group. I had three gay friends over; I made them dinner (two were vegetarians) and we played Singstar.

    Someone got out my laptop and showed a video. Gay / trans / feminist activists manage to be fucking boring and obnoxious at the same time. I can't remember this terrible comedienne, but she had a "parsimmon diet" which involved eating only fruit. Then for 20 minutes she talked about shitting in her car in a really vulgar way but the expression was half-arsed. A male comedian would have made a shitting joke that lasted 10 ish seconds, full of feeling, and you'd get belly laughs from real people and these fucktards would complain about how he's a privileged voice and he marginalises women and desensitises society to the plight of incontinent people etc fuck I hate these people.

    And yeah, the only person actually ever watching a video was the person linking. Everyone else seem to have this "oh MAN everyone will LOVE this video and everyone will think I am the best for linking this video" thing happening, ready to watch the next video. So I'd say that it's a pretty accurate insight, but it took me about.. ten minutes? to discover, and that's the only time I've had this sort of thing happen. I didn't need the word "youtube party" or being in that situation more than once to get how it works. I think most of the xkcdsucks people who are just confused as fuck as to what Randy's talking about would also figure it out quickly.

    Because we're not fucking aspies. Just have better parties.

  74. We don't want your life story. Shut the fuck up.

  75. The FUCK is a youtube party

  76. That's it! No clever wordplay, nothing else. I think it's probably meant to "troll" in about the least nuanced way possible.

    ... as opposed to this entire blog.

  77. I'm not trying to troll, it's just a nice benefit.

  78. I'm not trying to troll

    Okay, now that's funny!

  79. The source of all your problemsJuly 5, 2011 at 2:30 AM

    @1:31: The problem with xkcd is not that it is bad - lots of things in the world are bad. The problem is that people have such low standards that xkcd has a considerable following. It is this latter issue which needs fixing.

    Representative democracy has put us into the irresponsible mindset that we can make our vote, wash our hands and then blame the government/corporations for everything. But we must always blame the voter; blame the consumer; blame the enabler.

    You don't like right-wing conservative nutjob politicians? Don't rally against them - rally against the neighbour who voted for them. You don't like xkcd? Don't shake your fist in the air at Randall - use it to punch the guy in your class who keeps pinning up the latest strip on the noticeboard.

    I'm not saying that it's time for a bloody revolution against the xkcd fanbase, but I would empathise with people holding a sentiment in favour of one.

  80. It must have actually been a good bit longer for him to look up all those memes than to draw the comic.

    The dude has a peach for a head. He is a fucking peach head. It's so bad.

    And in the second panel the lady looks like she is some horrible plastic Medusa monster that is growing out of the chair.
    Which would make sense, seeing as how the chair grew a back all of a sudden.

    I tried to find a reason why he is lazy, and apparently he is sooo stressed because his fiancee has breast cancer.

  81. @libertyasalooknigglass: Perhaps you are hung over from the Youtube party (what?) and missed the notice. The previous thread's full of cancer poetry - the best kind of poetry.

  82. people have such low standards that xkcd has a considerable following. It is this latter issue which needs fixing.

    So why have you adopted the tactics of 13-year-old Valley girls?

    All of the problems -- the lazy art, the weak jokes, the copied jokes -- are the same problems with the comics you claim are great. You could make a blog about any of them and copypaste Rob's whingeing verbatim. Try it.

  83. the problem with this is of course noggas thusly I hath no sympathy

  84. Your mother, after I offered her $3.65 in change,July 5, 2011 at 5:48 AM

    @5:36: I tried it for Calvin and Hobbes and failed. xkcd is awful and you know it.

  85. @Source of all your problems:

    Shut the fuck you, you hippie liberal faggot.

  86. The biggest GOOMH part of 919 was "preggers." I fucking hate when people say that.

    Captcha: pleateut. Get your feut out of my pleateut.

  87. Man exploiting manJuly 5, 2011 at 9:10 AM

    @7:20: I wouldn't expect a Reaganite to get it right first time. As Churchill said, "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."

  88. Yeah, that must be why we pretty much pwn the world.

  89. @9:58 AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.... oh you Americans, you so funny.

  90. Prompt for daddy's money American libertards to go on the defensiveJuly 5, 2011 at 10:58 AM

    I assumed 9:58 was Chinese.

    Or Jewish.

    (Do they still mutilate infant penis in the USA? I thought it was bad enough when I heard people routinely declaw their cats, but apparently you like emasculating your humans too. Once you've emasculated them, you use rights disparity and desperation to offshore their jobs. Oh, and you're responsible for Randall Munroe. Bravo, America, bravo.)


  92. America's a fine continent spoilt only by the presence of the USA.

  93. lulz @ 10:58's ant eater

  94. The winner of this argumentJuly 5, 2011 at 11:38 AM

    If adult men in the civilised world want to mutilate their genitals because Jews have brainwashed them into thinking that nature ("God") got it wrong, they have that choice.

    What choice do men (and I use that word generously) in the USA have?

  95. lulz @ 11:38's ant eater

  96. Haha. I love you, Muff.

  97. When Randall puts out a comic this boring and obvious, it shouldn't come as a surprise to find out someone else did it first.

  98. randall did 9/11

    you heard it hear first

  99. @1:59

    No he didn't. He was the dude in the Cessna that tried to copycat it and failed miserably.

  100. 1149 = 1154 samefag

  101. Haha. So true, Anon 3:16.

  102. 316 = 317 samefag

  103. Hohoho. How delectably veritable, Anon 3:24.

  104. all Anonymous = all other Anonymous samefag


  106. Adam 11:56 to Anon 12:54 are all samefag.
