A very long time ago, when I first started this blog, I was in a pissed-as-hell kind of mood. You'll see, if you go back into the recesses of the archives here, that the first post I ever made was
this one, responding to the inanity of
xkcd comic 409 (the posts that claim to be older than that - the category posts - are backdated by a few months). I was pissed because
xkcd, which I had until what was then recently enjoyed, had decided to steal my favorite comic of all time (and I'm sure many of your favorite as well).
xkcdicks are riding along on a skateboard and talking about philosophy, with a layout that completely copied Bill
Watterson and C+H. Then the characters crash into Calvin and Hobbes, as though Randall is saying "Don't worry guys, it's cool, I'm allowed to make my characters just copy other more famous more beloved characters so that you'll like them more! See the trick is that I KNOW I AM DOING THIS so it's
ok! What, I need to end my comic with a joke, the way Calvin and Hobbes did? FUCK NO i don't. What, you think I should draw some goddamn eyes on my characters FUCK NO i don't. You want me to write 7 strips a week FUCK NO how does three sound, almost all black and white? Yeah 7 strips is TOO HARD."
But it's OK, because it's just a reference you fucktards, he doesn't have to do anything
new god forbid, just stick his characters in someone
else's world and wait for people to adore him as they always do.
That's piggybacking off the insane amount of work that Bill
Watterson did to earn his millions of fans. That's the guy at the party who just quotes
Borat and expects people to laugh. (full disclosure: I am sometimes that guy. But I sound
exactly like
borat when I do it so it's
ok.) What that is is a guy taking a picture of Calvin pissing on something and making it into a bumper sticker. Most importantly, what that is is
utter shit. I guess I should say something about the current comic, but it's basically the same idea. Except shittier than the last, even, for a few reasons: Worse art, even more obvious shoved-down-your-throat reference, and a nonsensical plot - "you not knowing a language reminds me that our anniversary is coming!" (on that last one, I realize that it's possible she's saying that "I am sad that my options are closed off and that is what reminded me of our anniversary" but that makes it a
sad relationship comic and that would be even worse.)
On a related note, I have to say that
Digg has really stepped up to the plate on this one. Sure, it put the comic on the
frontpage, as always, but most of the comments are pretty good. Examples
here, and
And then there are those like
this, which remind me that my cause here is just and we must continue our crusade against this shitty, shitty comic.
If there was ever a sign that a comic was out of ideas, this was it.