You'd think so. I mean, I started a blog with the url "xkcdsucks". But I don't think it really sucks, on the whole. It's just that it's sucking more than it used to and getting worse. I started reading in the summer of 2007 and liked it, but increasingly I've noticed that Randall is just making computer science jokes. Not even jokes - just referring to random programming ideas or patterns and acting like it's a joke. Acting like it's kind of cool to refer to nerdy things in a webcomic. Either that, or he does a "cute nerdy relationship" comic, which are beginning to get very, very irritating.
Luckily, I have been taught to back up claims with empirical evidence, so here you go:

That's a chart of the first 400 xkcd comics, and how frequent certain themes were. Computer jokes have risen dramatically. The x-axis measures comics going forward in time, and the y-axis measures density of joke types (a point at the very top of the graph indicated 80% of the jokes at that time were of that theme, a point at the bottom indicates 0%)
And then of course he occasionally hits you with something like
383 which just comes out of nowhere and smacks you upside the head while yelling "expecting, that, bitch? Didn't think so!" I guess it's his artistic, meaningful side? As you once said,
communicating badly and then acting smug when you're misunderstood is not cleverness. And being cryptic and weird and then acting smug (which you know you are when you posted that, it's not like you're sitting there regretting it) is not artistic, nor is it funny.
Anyway, because I do think there is a lot to like about XKCD (two examples: the aforementioned
169 and also
262) do not expect this to be a website where I just complain all the time. If something is good, I'll say so. If something only sucks a little, I won't give it any flack it doesn't deserve. And I will do my best to always link to Oh and I refer to comics by number, not name. Just easier.
PS - if you are curious as to what I think doesn't suck, head on over to for Dinosaur Comics, which are great.