[Hated Raven "Ravenzomg" sent this review, which, okay. -Ed.]
Hello, this is Ravenzomg of
Ravenzomg fame here to give a very special double review because we're all tired of hitting the "next page" button!
Title: Tradition. Tooltip: An 'American tradition' is anything that happened to a Baby Boomer twice.
Title: Potential. Tooltip: Who even cares, that's why I won't fix the html reference.
Rather than talk about how generally uninteresting these comics are, I'm just going to quote comments on
a forum post advertising xkcd.
"fuck xkcd
i've no problem with people liking it, but randall munroe is a lazy, complacent asshole. and that is my opinion about things.
first 200 strips are good, though"
"XKCD is pretty hit-or-miss with me. I really like the strips where he kind of pokes fun at his own interests, but in some of the others I just feel like he's trying to show off things he knows or believes in. Too much reliance on the "smart/right" character revealing something to the more "common" person, who's then like "huh, guess I was dumb". "
"Well it can't be helped that the kid has only been alive for 12 years or so, and hasn't even had a regular education! I mean, he was practically raised by hippies. It's not his fault for his lack of knowledge!"
"the only thing xkcd is good for is getting you to google shit you don't care about"
"I used to utterly loathe the comic with a burning passion; it was so offensively mediocre that I could spend hours extolling the sins of individual strips and the comic as a whole; I could froth endlessly about exactly WHY putting a heart under a radical was such trite garbage and why any individual should feel bad about appreciating it; I would eagerly await new comics simply so that I could be angry at them and wax vitriolic. Now though, I simply can't muster the energy or the desire. It's been bad in exactly the same way for so long that there's no point in it anymore. All the punchlines are the same. All the strips are the same. There are three or four premises that Munroe has, and he's realized that people will eat them up forever and there's no reason for him to ever try new things. So he doesn't! I would have a difficult time deciding if "complacency" or "mediocrity" would be the one word I'd use to sum up the entire comic, but either one would fit."
And my personal favourite:
Also, just because one can draw a comic in 5 minutes doesn't mean that should be the update rate. Otherwise all we'd get is random thoughts and forced jokes."
I really. really. really. love this.
And on that note, I wish you all a very merry christmas. Oh wait, something's different--
It's this:
As we all know, Randall Munroe makes his income without the use of ads, and so relies entirely on Merchandizing income. And as usual, he's relying on nostalgia [hey remember that bobcat comic guys? remember how you loved it 3 years ago?] to sell stuff.
I won't comment any more on this fact. That's why you guys are here <3
-Ravenzomg <3 <3 <3
[The hated raven also wanted me to point out that the poster went down in price from $150 to like $95. Raven says this is only $35 more than it should be; in my estimation it is actually $200 more than it should be. -Ed.]