Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Comics 1056-1059: Leopards All The Way Down

I'd apologize for the uncustomary tardiness of the review, but we all know the only thing I hate more than you guys is Randy himself (aka me). If it helps, Diablo was involved.

1066. Randy has some interesting opinions on what names are cool.

1067. Can we skip the part about using whatever social network Randy is talking about and just punch him in the face?

1068. Randy's fetishes concerning his hot porn star daughter are seriously creepy.

1069. Randy has just discovered that "Philadelphia" and "Adele for ya" rhyme if you pronounce them with the correct accent, and he is offended that people would do such a thing, because only white Northeastern US accents are valid ways to speak English.


  1. These comics are becoming more and more mundane. They're not even so-bad-it's-laughable anymore... they're just sad.

  2. how're you finding D3? nice world shame about the story? are you playing coop?

  3. 1066. Why must Americans call Felis catus a "housecat"? I realise they have an insatiable urge to imprison, but it's ethologically absurd to keep a healthy cat indoors.

    1067. Randy envisions a world in which you must opt out of everything you don't like, except the de facto social network of people who send xkcd around to each other, which will continue to be unavoidable.

    1068. The woman totally owned the man and is now ripe for Randy's seed. Also if you take someone's photo then you capture their soul.

    1069. Proving Randy did not write the Modern Major General strip. Must be grating that a show from the early '90s about a cheeky, worldly-wise ebonicist is still Fresh-er than his White & Nerdy Lifestyle stick figures.

    Also Rob you are fat and useless. It's OK to be too lazy/submissive to write Hitleresque charismatic invective but your tardy one-liners suggest your problem to be loss of writing ability.

  4. I seriously did not get 1066 at all. What the hell is up with it? Is it a nerd thing?

    1. Months ago I wrote a long and frankly excellent post explaining how people with Asperger like things only if they can find an association to something else they like. Combine this with the Napoleon Dynamitean dream of being, uh, wild and tough.

    2. Randall looked at the names of successive OS-X releases (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_OS_X#Release_timeline), and saw that they are not in order of which cat would win in a fight or which names he finds the coolest - which is apparently a problem. And I agree with Rob that the coolness of name sorting seems very strange. Cheetah cooler than ocelot??

  5. Totally Original ContentMay 23, 2012 at 12:50 AM

    I once spent a year in Philadelphia. It was a Sunday, I believe.

  6. You numbered them 10 off. 1066 should be 1056 and so forth.

    1. and ruin an opportunity for a 1066-and-all-that joke in 7 comic's time?

      oh wait no history is a liberal art

  7. I am about to start the Listerine soak for my toemails with long-standing fungus plus a recent involvement of three fingernails...not sure it's truly fungus there; could be just old age. I am also troubled by bunionesque calluses on my great toes. Doc gave me samples of Carmol40 which is an excellent softener, but available only through script. Any OTC suggestions? Thank you very much and I will let you know how the Listerine does for my fungi. C. Wise

  8. street lamps

    There's a street light outside your house I keep mistaking for the moon. It's the right color and shape, and it's in the right place in the sky. Every time I leave at night I see it hanging there and for a brief moment I'm ready to smile, to feel as if the moon is guiding me home. I always identify it soon enough, of course, and it could never guide me any further than the street.

    Tonight I found myself wondering if you were to blame, as if you had set this up to punish me for my wanderings. Perhaps if I didn't slip away once you were asleep, this false moon wouldn't be here to mock me. Or maybe you set it up to keep me here. Did you hope I would circle it like a moth, captivated by its soft cold light? Does it worry you that I have never woken up next to you, that I leave you alone in the dark to find my way home?

    But tonight the false moon was not false. The street light hung in the air above me even after I had walked past it, as if you had planted a real moon there--and it must have been you, right? Who else could have, and who else would have? I was so startled I considered running back and waking you up, asking whether you were trying to send me away or guide me home. But as I stood and stared at this strange new moon, I realized the distinction was largely semantic. Either way my path was laid out before me, and my steps would take me back home.

  9. Does Randall write those horrible, horrible lines on purpose, or does he really suck that hard? I thought it was impossible to suck that hard, but I think I was wrong. "It's a story best related in a doggerel verse". That is headache condensed and turned into words, right there.

    1. wasn't there a comic all about hating tautologies some time ago? I can't be arsed to go look but it rings a bell

  10. Replies
    1. God damn America, and God damn the NEW WORLD ORDER, we are going to take our freedoms back, and we will come down like a ton of bricks on the eugenicist crypto-quasi-nazi elite.

      RON PAUL 2012 or get fucked in your eye.

  11. I don't really have anything good to say about any of those.

    Help. I have been lured by the vile melody sung by Carl and Rob, ugly and fat Siren respectively (that should have seriously tipped me off, in hindsight), and have shipwrecked on the Rocks of Hate and Cynicism.

    That, or those comics really sucked. I mean damn. To be fair, it's not so much that I didn't dislike any xkcd comics before starting to follow xkcdsucks; it's just that I read them, didn't find them funny, and moved on. It should be noted that I discovered xkcd about 4 months ago, and read the archives relatively quickly.

    I think what's "special" about xkcdsucks is that it tells you "did you find that comic AWESOME? Like, is it the most AWESOME thing ever? No? Why? Deconstruct, analyze, decontextualize" and then "I get your point, but... don't you think it deserves to be hated violently then?", and the final step, the most cynical one I think, is casual hate, lazy hate. Hate at first sight!

    It is beautiful.

    'sadynren illatqu' Maybe xkcdsucks needs a third Siren. Sad Siren, I like you.

  12. I never fretted about tsunamis. Never even thought about them. But the 2004 tsunami (or the “Boxing Day Tsunami” as many called it) affected me so profoundly that it dogged my thoughts for over a year. Ultimately I dropped out of my regular life and went on a nearly year-long contemplative sabbatical (which created a huge change in my outlook, if anybody’s interested).

  13. The Venter Institute was founded in October 2006. I can't say I'm very impressed by a 5 year olds supposed long-term intimate connection to the internet. Age aside, being conceived over the internet has no bearing on whether one is or is not a noob.

    What's with internet baby saying "wrong" in panel 1? Is she trying to tell the Amish dude that he has not been on the internet since BBS days? Or is this just awful unrealistic dialogue? What's up with the Amish dude's hair? He looks vaguely Amish. The way the internet baby is sitting doesn't look very comfortable.

    J. Craig Venter is an asshole. His most impressive talents lie in the realm of self-promotion and entrepreneurism, not science. His supposed synthetic life is massively overhyped. Making himself the first human to be sequenced while pretending for years that 5 randomly selected individuals were the subjects of the sequencing effort just screams out a massively over-inflated ego. Only naive high school biology students and Randy think Venter is cool.

    1. The point is that Amish dude hasn't actually 'been' on the internet, he has merely looked at it. However, pornstar daughter has had a string of 'A's, 'T's, 'C's and 'G's that represent her genome sent through email, therefore she has literally 'been' on the internet.

      Yes, it is retarded.

    2. OK, that makes a little more sense. I'm not sure that I would consider the gametes that combined to form me, "me", so I'm still not buying her claim to have been on the internet.

      If my parents other gametes are "me", than I may have not been on the internet, but I've certainly been in a lot of other places I don't really want to think about.

      It a little ambiguous, but "sperm sample" implies multiple sperm (with different sequences) and the Venter institute implanted the DNA in "sperm and eggs" (plural), so it's not just her 2 gametes on the internet, but those of a lot of potential siblings as well.

    3. let's face it, he just likes typing the word 'sperm'. the rest of this fucking drivel is just his moronic excuse for it

    4. Since geeks tend by various (self-evidently flawed) intelligence tests to be shown to have slightly higher than average intelligence - or because they read too much fantasy fiction - they cling on with dear life to the belief that people are somehow set from birth with a destiny.

      It is quite routine for people like Randy to think that they are merely the result of their sperm sperm sperm sperm sperm and their egg ovary uterus vulva cancer, environment be damned. If you wondered how half a world became obsessed with eugenics in the first half of C20 - as well as large-scale annihilations, &c. - it was because of people like him.

    5. By Randall's logic if I download a cake recipe and bake a cake from it, that cake will have 'been on the internet'. I am not my genetic code, Randall. Physical objects can not become information. And information can never become physical in any meaningful way. That means you can stop humping your screens now, perverts.

      If a teleporter disassembled you atom by atom and rebuilt you from different atoms at another location, then I'm sorry, but you just died and someone is walking around with a copy of your body, which is a copyright violation. That's why we need SOPA to stop this shit from happening!.

    6. You said that before, Jackass.

    7. You tell 'em, 5:14. You don't have to take that shit. Lay down the law.

    8. More like Jerkass, amirite?

    9. :P do I sense a bit of projection there, 1:24?

  14. I recently shaved my head. I was on the bus with a shaved head, but also with pants that aren't that long, with legs crossed and my hairy ankles peeking out between my socks and pants. At that point on the public bus route, the bus was jammed with high school students. The girl across from me could not stop looking at my ankles in horror, despite what I think of as my much more transgressive hairless head. The public pressure against visibly hairy legs on females is very strong, indeed. Being afraid of other people's judgement is a very reasonable position to take, because that judgement hurts.

    I'm happy to be a hairy-legged feminist, to revel in the waves I'm making, and the visible public judgement still hurts. I have both mental reactions, and the negative public reaction invigorates me as it hurts. Jplus, in addition to telling your girlfriend that the hair isn't visible from more than a meter away and that it's her hair, it would be more effective to also tell her that you find her hairy sexy (if you do) and to acknowledge the real pain she's got to work against to be hairy. Dismissing being influenced by people's opinions as stupid is quite the opposite of supportive, because we humans are social people, and the judgement of strangers around us matter.

    1. While I can only approve of any attempts to return to our primal monkey nature, isn't "making waves" and "being judged" pretty much the same thing? Or rather, two sides of the same coin, can't have one without the other. If you don't want to be judged, don't make waves; if people didn't judge you, you would have no impact, so don't complain.

    2. I honestly find unshaved legs on women rather attractive. Probably because so few women are willing to display unshaved legs that the sight creates an illusion of intimacy that really is rather titillating.

      Shaved heads don't do anything for me though. It makes both men and women look like thugs.

    3. I like barefoot women outside with dusty soles. Not related, but I thought I might put that out there.

    4. "it would be more effective to also tell her that you find her hairy sexy (if you do)"

      What if they don't?

      People are allowed to have preferences and it doesn't make you a monster for doing so. I would be very turned off if my wife got a swastika tattoo and I think its perfectly fine to tell her so.
      "What do you think of my temporary face tattoo?"
      "I don't like it and it going to create problems."

      I don't believe it would morally or socially wrong to find unshaved legs unattractive anymore so than it would be to prefer black women or juice heads.

      Relationships are hard enough without having to lie to make the other feel better.

      People in loving relationships are also probably willing to make sacrifices for the other. I hate shaving (my face) everyday, but I do it because my wife hates stubble, it doesn't make her a bad person and I'm happy to do it because I want her to be happy.

    5. I like guys with long hair & beards. Like Thor.

    6. People aren't perturbed because society isn't letting their legs grow hairy; they're perturbed because society disapproves of their hairy legs. It's more like wanting to do a mourning ritual for the dead and not wanting to deal with all the people and pressures that try to convince you that you shouldn't.

      If you don't want to have hairy legs, that's fine. But if you want to criticize someone for having hairy legs, that's a little less fine. If you don't want to participate in funerals, that's fine. But if you want to criticize someone for participating in funerals, that's less fine.

    7. I'd say "making waves" is designed to make people look at themselves, and reevaluate why they're judging other people for how they have their appearance. So you could say it's two sides of the same coin, just on the one side you evaluate and judge yourself, and on the other side you're an unthinking bigoted cunt.

    8. I'd say "making waves" is probably tremendously easy for 8:52, both in water as well as any surrounding soft ground, as hairy feminists are typically the size of small whales.

  15. so guys i'm curious, when did you first find this site? like what was the last xkcd you read before you come here?

    1. The one with the vagina.

    2. It was once mentioned in a mildly sarcastic tone on Websnark, the once holy grail of webcomic criticism that reached the heights that Carl dreamed of before plummeting into oblivion. I had a look at it, but never really came back and started posting until a long time afterwards.

      I never liked xkcd so didn't read until I started visiting here. Xkcd was popular before I first heard about it, and like most hipsters I have a special hatred for popular things that I wasn't in the ground floor on.

    3. For me it was xkcd 519. I remember googling 'xkcd 519' and then finding the rants about it. Man, 519 still makes me mad.

    4. wow, 519 is probably the greatest combination of sincere, wrong and awful I've ever seen in an xkcd.

    5. That one with Moses and the burning bush. I googled it to see if someone could explain what the hell was supposed to be funny about it.

    6. 435. God, have I been reading xkcd that long? I'm not sure. I think I might've come across 435 when I started going through the archives, but it wasn't that old at that point. Anyway, that's what made me Google "xkcd sucks".

      I'd heard the whole bio<chem<physics<math thing ad nauseum in college, and was disappointed that Randall just regurgitated that trope rather doing something quasi-original with it and subverting it (heck, I would've been happy with a non-original subversion a la Steve Martin).

  16. it would be good if today's PA could be crossed with today's xkcd, and someone would kickstart that fucking blank creepy head right off of that fucking creepy horrible stick body.

    'handsub taketh' that sounds rude

    1. Actually, Penny Arcade merging with xkcd would be great. Not a bad idea to just throw all the shit in one basket.

  17. I wonder why the dialogue --
    in today's comic is broken --
    like that, with dashes. I thought --
    that was part of the joke, but --
    it isn't. Is it an attempt --
    to make the comic seem less --

    1. I thought it was because the guy points his stick at the relevant parts of his diagram as he mentions the different elements of their business plan.

      I liked it. I hate business/marketing speech.

    2. There wasn't much business/marketing speech. It's just a way of pointing out that "crowdsourcing" means no group of closeknit individuals (e.g. a single business) gets all the work done. Which is uninterestingly true.

      The alt text makes even less sense. I think it's suggesting that it doesn't count to sell a business-to-business service, especially not if you do it so efficiently - primarily by using the work of volunteers a la Wikipedia - that you can goof off and still be highly profitable.

      I think Randy's main message is that people shouldn't be able to make a living unless they've pulled their weight. Which is, you know, appropriate.

    3. >>I think Randy's main message

      See, this is actually what I hate the most about the xkcd forums, seriously. "Randall meant...", "I think his point is...", "he's refering to..." etc. Nope, shut up. I don't care what he meant. I don't care what you think he meant. I don't care what he thinks you'll think he meant. I don't care what you think he thinks you'll think he meant. And so on. Just like I don't give a shit what my favorite song is "supposed" to mean, or what mood it's "supposed" to invoke. I take exactly what I want to take in whatever piece of art (in case you don't consider xkcd to be art, then let's use the term "fiction" instead), regardless of whether the artist put it in his work or not.

      That said, I think you are wrong :p Your interpretation would have been fine if the comic was only the caption, but it isn't. There's a speech bubble (hm... how do you call a speech bubble that's actually not a bubble), that says the exact same thing as the caption, except in a more obscure way, one that "sounds more pro". IDK about you, but I personally never use expressions like "already-in-place social networking infrastructure".

      So yeah, to me, this comic is about how some people use business/marketing, that is, technical/obscure/formal language to hide the fact that they're saying crap/simple/uninteresting things. In this case, the guy's trying to hide the fact that they're pretty much crooks.

      That isn't to say that you're interpretation isn't valid; I mean it is implied that what they're doing is "bad" and doesn't have any merit. But that's not what *I* get from the comic as a whole. What I get is that he's saying "we're lazy greedy bastards" while showing it on a diagram during a business meeting.

    4. Kizolk, you are stupid. Or, as Slashdot would put it, "Your sarcasm detector is broken." Re-read the post you replied to, paying particular attention to the tone.

      Also I think you're someone in your mid or late teens and have never had a real job, because everyone uses and understands terms like "already-in-place", "social networking" and "infrastructure". They're a million miles away from the truly horrible marketing-speak you find in a real workplace.

    5. Sarcasm on the internet is notoriously hard to detect. Give the guy a break. Did they finish developing that sarcasm punctuation mark yet?

      Do you know what 'earth loop impedance' means? Thought not. But I'm sure you understand each of those words separately. More to the point, the kind of people who say things like 'already-in-place social networking infrastructure' are most likely marketing douches who get paid to go on Facebook all day, and probably have the self-proclaimed title of 'social media consultant'.

      As an aside if anyone actually says 'social media' to me I will punch them in the dick.

    6. 1) Every polite person deserves a break. Someone who replies with "shut up... I don't care... I don't give a shit" does not.

      2) Sarcasm is notoriously hard for aspies to detect. If you are on the autism spectrum, acknowledge your disability and show some humility.

      3) Yes, I do know what earth loop impedance means. But then I am a ham.

      4) If I didn't, I'd look it up, not whine about those fucking engineers with their verbal conspiracy against the laity.

      5) This is irrelevant, because Randy's word combination wasn't suggesting anything more than the sum of its parts.

      6) It's annoying because adverb & idiom & multiword adjectival noun &c. is really cumbersome English, of the quality I'd expect from Randy. It's nothing particularly businessmanspeakish. Marketroids tend to adopt neat but utterly meaningless phrases, contrasting the cumbersome but decipherable utilitarian language of engineers.

      7) Just to be clear, I hate social networking/media. But we still need a term to classify it for when we finally send everyone with a Facebook account to the chambers.

    7. It's super-effective!

    8. Jon Levi faints.

  18. Rodgers & Hart's first published song, "Any Old Place with You", from _1919_, contains the lines "I'd go to hell for ya / Or Philadelphia." So yeah, nearly a hundred years late.

    1. Lay off Randall. He puts a lot of effort into coming up with the best most insiteful ideas for his comic. So if the good ideas get done more than once, does that somehow make them bad? In case you weren't noticing, the comic was more than just a rhyme (strictly speaking there were two rhymes). But in four short panels he managed to take a reference to an old TV show (one that you'll remember, I'm sure) and turns it on its head, thus subverting our expectations. If you can't see why that's funny, there's something wrong with you.

    2. 11:44, 1/10. One mark lost for simply missing the opportunity to write "inciteful".

    3. Perhaps this is funny to you, but there is a whole site devoted to ripping into the good creations of one artist, and that is not funny. I actually feel sorry for you people.

    4. Don't leave us hanging!!! Point us to the site.

    5. So does 6:04 truly believe that rhyming "... ya" with "Philadelphia" is the joke Randall was aiming for? Because Randall's work is of pretty low quality, but come the fuck on.

    6. Is there another joke in that comic? Or do you think the last line was going to end "Philadelphinia" or somthing?

    7. The joke is the entire concept. Not all jokes live and die by their punchline, and this is one that doesn't. The punchline here isn't even a punchline, it's just a mechanic to make the delivery feel a little snappier and demonstrate a negative stance towards what is being shown on the television.

      Lacking a punchline isn't an inherent flaw either, by the way. The basic structure of a joke is just a guideline that can be manipulated to good effect by masters of comedy. Witness how often Monty Python skip the end of their skits, deciding instead to just jump into something else.

      Randall is no master and the concept and delivery here aren't good enough to sustain themselves, but if you're going to criticize the comic you need to stick to the comic's actual intentions instead of building things in outside of its scope. Focus on relevant aspect such as the fact that the character is clearly about to run out and guzzle gallons of milk in an orgiastic display of unquenchable desire.

    8. First of all, 5:19, my name is This Troper, not 6:04. However since you refuse to adopt even a pseudonym, I am forced to call you 5:19. Secondly let me point out to you that the humor comic 1059 exists on multiple levels. Firstly there are the multiple creative rhymes. You think coming up with rhymes is easy? It's a lot harder that you think. Secondly there is the subversion of a popular meme and TV show that I described in my previous comment (see above). Q.E.D., asshole.

    9. 6:04 = 11:44 = This Troper = samefag

    10. 2:55, you're a really bad troll. Go away.

    11. I thought 5:19 was referring to me. Since I live in Brisbane, Austalia, local time is UTC+10. Ergo my original comment would have been posted around 6:04. Upon seeing his comment I acted impulsively, and replied without even scrolling up to check the timestamps. 5:19, you have my sincere apologies. Never again will I make such an embarrassing mistake.

      I'll also have to remember now that blogspot.au uses California time.

    12. This Troper = Randall

    13. Oh, I wish!

    14. This Troper = Thees Troper = Spoiks weeth a leesp. Croiky. Shreemp on the baabie.

  19. Pair is a homophone of pear is an anagram of rape. My partner was thus asking for it.


    1. Let's meet up and talk about this. I think I'd like to repair you.

    2. I wanna bowl you from both ends, if you know what I mean (I'm talking about secs).

      Captcha: heitteen secy (if you know what I mean)

  20. more like diaBLOWS 3 MEN, amirite????

    1. I bought the first Diablo about a decade ago and I guess I enjoyed it, but that was before I got picky about video games. A friend of mine has the new one and the game play looks about the same to me, so I think I'll pass.

  21. I played Diablo 2, rather enjoyed it, but I'm going to sit Diablo 3 out -- I figure I'll get those people back in... 3/4 weeks?

    1. less i reckon. people aren't so gripped by the looks of it

  22. Why the fuck would you "put on some Adele" in the middle of your rap? Why would you put on Adele period. It isn't even needed for the rhyme, Randy, you dingleberry. Rhymes don't need four fucking syllables. This is a stupid thing you've done. You are a stupid man for doing it. You are not smart. Can you fucking hear me, you smug fucker? I'm so pissed off at how retarded you are being I can feel my heartbeat behind my eyes. I am beaming hate at you so hard that in a perfect world your dick would have melted from the sheer heat of how much I want you to collapse weeping against the unscalable wall of your own incompetence and idiocy.

    1. I can't speak for 1:21, but this apology makes me feel much better about the whole thing.

  23. I was wondering, and this is completely unrelated to these comics, but its been festering for while.. and so I was wondering, for all his pretentious programming namedropping and related bullshit, has he ever actually released any software? even a little exploit? maybe a niche utility? come on, a page where you click a happy face gif and it says hello world? no?

    1. he doesn't even do the code for his own website

    2. NASA must have been truly awful to offer him an internship. I guess it was the climax of 25 years of deliberate underfunding, arranged so a new batch of companies could suck at the teat of Uncle Sam.

      Musk, I'm looking at you.

    3. when he said he spent a weekend messing around with perl, that must have been ALL he's ever done

    4. I think he made the viewer for that one awful poster. The economy one.

      It works, but it's not very good.

    5. Five minutes with JQuery is all that poster would have taken and with that I could probably have done a better job. And I don't even know JavaScript!

      I don't think he wrote the code for the 3D thing- that at least was sort of impressive, or would have been if the 3D wasn't so poorly autogenerated.

  24. Actually, that poster was created using PanoJS, a library designed to do exactly what that poster viewer does (scroll a large image made up of tiled segments). He (or possibly his site's webmaster) just pasted the code that uses PanoJS from one of the provided examples. Nothing about it took any work.

  25. Lol, this is so cute. The two subjects I'm hearing on this forum are hatred against Randall for his intelligence and asking him, begging him, pleading him to dumb down his comics so they can laugh, and greasy 40 year olds who live with there parents discussing Diablo 3. Ahhh the internet.

    1. WRONG actually the average age here is 47 ACTUALLY. bet you feel stupid now

    2. What sort of bubble do you live in, 1:46? It seems pretty potent

    3. 2/10, using 'there' is far too obvious. Cuddlefish may be brainless morons but they aren't _that_ stupid.

    4. I am the gobbler of a thousand cocks bleep blorp

      'joined UreOldx' no u are

    5. I was going to type out a long retort, but er, my mum's calling me to come downstairs. Apparently she's finished baking my birthday cake, and I'm kinda excited to blow out the forty-eight candles.

      I really like forty-eight as a number, as there's a lot of numbers you can divide it by, like you can divide it by itself, twenty-four, sixteen, twelve, six, four, three, two and as always, one. Randall should do a comic about forty-eight, that would be really funny.

      I will reply to you later if I remember, or if mum didn't buy Diablo III for me. If she has I think I'm going to like it too much to come on here.

  26. Why would anyone you'd have to explain a business plan to fail to note that the business plan never actually makes any money. Normally you supply a business plan when making a loan application or securing venture capital. In all cases people would be looking to make back their investment and would be paying attention to this.

    What world does Randall Munroe live in?

    1. A world where he can draw an inaccurate graph and expect to make a fair bit of money off it by printing a poster-sized version.

  27. The current comic is funny, because, erm.

    I think because, he's lying in his selling points for "EST", though it might be because he mentioned "date math" and Narnia. Everything is funny once you include Jesus lions.

    1. It's funny because it's xkcd and I'm a nerd.

  28. What do you guys think about Dilbert ?

  29. Hey idiot, your numbers are wrong.

    1. you have no idea how disappointed I am it took you fuckers this long to notice
