Sunday, May 4, 2008

Comic 419: Forks and Spoons

Eh. To me this comic only plays on the inherent humor of sporks, which is kind of cheating in my opinion. Anyone can make sporks funny. I mean it's a funny idea, I suppose, though you wonder why they sporks turned evil. Feels like it was only to emphasize the "powerful forces" so it seems ok until you realize that what we're talking about here is cutlery.


  1. Isn't that a knife at the end? I dunno. I don't get this one. "powerful forces"=cutlery coming to life?

  2. Apparently. And that does kind of look like a knife - maybe he killed them out of jealousy? No one wants to breed him. I would be jealous.

  3. I dunno, I don't really ever thing spork jokes are funny. Maybe I got tired of them in middle school? I am just never impressed with them.

  4. I thought it was a Jurassic Park reference that I didn't get because I never saw the movie. Did I give Randy too much credit?

  5. Ok now you are just mean. This comic was funny. It is parody to all those movies where scientist create something that gets out of control. Jurasic Park is an obvious example but by no means the only one.

  6. Argh. I actually enjoyed this one.

    The "we're dealing with powerful forces here" is meant to be funny in a way which I don't know the word for.

  7. RE: last (most recent) post
    Does enjoying a comic really necessitate the "Argh" onomatopoeia? I'll admit that xkcd's funny-ness lacks consistency, however once in a while when Randall delivers an insightful humorous or witty social comment one could at least be grateful for the dozen or so decent comics he has brought to the global community.

  8. The humor comes from the lack of information as to how it got out of hand.
