Oh also who do you envision reading your comic? High school kids? I mean I'm sure some do but it's weird for your characters to be talking about being adults, and learning that they can make bacon in their own apartments, and putting ball pits in their living rooms, but then...they go to prom? Ok, whatever.
Also what's up with two comics in a row with people, but no dialog or narration? You know how far back you have to go to find a comic like that? I stopped counting after about 40, but it's probably way more. At least 412 had "Boo." Dude is losing his touch for language....
A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
Romance:Not really
Ergo this is not an xkcd strip.
Again, a decent idea that could have been mildly funny, if not ruined then at least fumbled awkwardly by a lazy approach. Although honestly, not too many ideas come to mind for how to present this punchline without being all "HAHA I'm a NERD going to a COOL NERD PARTY! I am ACCEPTED! ...start being jealous now..."
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a strip for high schoolers. Do you know how many people think about high school after leaving it? And how many of them, even if they aren't nerds, wish they had chosen some other employ of their time in retrospect? I'm 37, and pretty much ever since the day after my senior prom, I've kicked myself for not going bowling in formal attire.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes I am a nerd, and yes, I go to LAN parties. Buy my admission of this is not a taunt, or a posturing of my nerdery. XKCD hits a predominantly nerd demographic; people who read this relate to it. They aren't jealous.
Well, I mean, you obviously have some self-esteem issues, but most people are more sure of themselves than that.
But see, you are living in the past, clearly still hung up on silly high school drama. Once you leave high school you should just move on, occasionally thinking of fond memories, but not getting hung up on "aaaaagghhh, what I should have done was X...."
ReplyDelete"you obviously have some self-esteem issues"
this is what we call projection.
Um. We of the high and middle school ARE his audience.